To support young clarinetists, to guide young artists, to pave the way for the national talents professionally and to encourage their participation in international competitions with the achievements made in this process.
Competition Calendar
Open until the end of business
hours on Monday, September 18, 2023
Sending video recordings:
Can be sent until 23.59 on Friday, September 29, 2023
Notification for first qualifying results:
by Friday, October 13, 2023 (business hours)
Competition semi-finals:
01-02 November 2023
Competition final:
04 November 2023
Award ceremony and gala concert:
04 November 2023
Conditions of Application
The applicants must become members of the Istanbul Clarinet Society (ICS) before the competition application process by donating 1000 TL as an entrance fee and 600 TL in return for the annual membership fee (total 1600 TL) to the bank account of ICS at İşbank Rıhtım-Kadıköy Branch (IBAN: TR130006400000110254099617). The applicants are accepted as a temporary (1 year) member to the society. The bank receipt must be attached to the application form during the online application process and submitted together with other documents that will be requested during correspondence with the authorities.
Below are the documents required for the application. The applicants must complete online application by Friday, September 15 at the latest. – Application Form (It must be filled online and the bank receipt must be attached to the form) – Bank Receipt (Only the applicant's name will be written in the explanations section of the receipt) – Copy of Identity Card (To be forwarded to ICS official at the stage of correspondence) – Biography (To be forwarded to ICS official at the stage of correspondence)
Participants must be between the ages of 18-27 (including 27) at the time of their application.
Participants must indicate their home addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in the application form legibly. The preferred method for communication, where the applicants will be notified, is through e-mail. The applicants should check their e-mails regularly after the application and maintain uninterrupted communication with the authorities.
Video recordings or internet links of the piece/s to be interpreted by the applicant at the first screening stage must be delivered to the ICS authorities until 23.59 on Friday, 29 September 2023, and confirmation of receipt must be obtained from the authorities.
During the video recording, an oral presentation should be made by the applicant before the pieces are played, and the related piece should be interpreted after the presentation. The image and sound must be recorded in high quality from the very beginning to the end of shooting, in one piece, without any intervention or editing.
The applicants who pass the preselection and qualify to be invited to the semi-finals will be notified until Friday, October 13, 2023. The performances of the semi-finalists will be held in a pre-announced hall in Istanbul.
The applications and semi-finals of the competition will be evaluated by the ICS Jury by numbering the applicants and keeping their identity anonymus. The finalists of the competition will be evaluated by the grand jury in public at Istanbul CRR Concert Hall. The identities and titles of the jury members will be announced soon.
The Jury will award the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place among the finalists and 3 honorable mentions to honor the other finalists, and may award the "Best Turkish Composer Commentary" to one of semi-finalists or finalists. The Jury may award more than one person per level, or may not award any at all for some levels. If the Jury deems it appropriate, a "Special Jury Award" may be given to a promising applicant between the ages of 18-21.
Jury decisions are final and participants will not have the right to appeal. All legal regulations are included in the application form. Only the applications approved and signed by the applicant will be processed.
Competition awards were generously determined by prestigious instrument and accessory companies. Besides, various prizes will be given to all semi-finalists.
National Clarinet Competition 2023 Prizes
First Prize
Buffet Crampon “Legende” brand Sib clarinet
Application fee for ClarinetFest® 2024 Dublin “Young Artist Competition” if the competitor meets application criteria, travel and lodging expenses if competitor passes preselection phase*
Application fee for “International Clarinet Competition 2024 (ICC 2024) which will be organized by ICS, if the competitor meets application criteria.
Backun Grenadilla Lumière barrel
Second Prize
Buffet Crampon “Gala” Sib klarnet
Application fee for ClarinetFest® 2024 Dublin “Young Artist Competition” if the competitor meets application criteria, travel and lodging expenses if competitor passes preselection phase*
Application fee for “International Clarinet Competition 2024 (ICC 2024) which will be organized by ICS, if the competitor meets application criteria.
Backun Grenadilla Lumière barrel
Third Prize
Jupiter “DS 1100” brand Sib clarinet
Application fee for “International Clarinet Competition 2024 (ICC 2024) which will be organized by ICS, if the competitor meets application criteria.
Backun Grenadilla Lumière barrel
Fourth Prize
Honorable mention
Application fee for “International Clarinet Competition 2024 (ICC 2024) which will be organized by ICS, if the competitor meets application criteria.
Fifth Prize
Honorable mention
Application fee for “International Clarinet Competition 2024 (ICC 2024) which will be organized by ICS, if the competitor meets application criteria.
Sixth Prize
Honorable mention
Application fee for “International Clarinet Competition 2024 (ICC 2024) which will be organized by ICS, if the competitor meets application criteria.
Special Jury Award (Promising Young Artist between age 18-21):
Honorable mention
Application fee for ClarinetFest® 2024 Dublin “Young Artist Competition” if the competitor meets application criteria, travel and lodging expenses if competitor passes preselection phase*
Application fee for “International Clarinet Competition 2024 (ICC 2024) which will be organized by ICS, if the competitor meets application criteria.
Backun üretimi bir adet Grenadilla ağacı Lumière serisi baril ve kalak
Best interpretation of a Turkish composer:
Honorable mention
Application fee for “International Clarinet Competition 2024 (ICC 2024) which will be organized by ICS, if the competitor meets application criteria.
Competition Program
Quarter finals: One solo piece in “a” or “b” chosen by the applicant and concert study in “c” will be interpreted in the video recording prepared for application. The recording must be of high quality, and without any technical intervention, effect, editing or assembly on the sound and image. (See Conditions of participation / article 6.)
a) Malcolm ARNOLD Malcolm ARNOLD - "Fantasy for Clarinet Solo" (O.P.)
b) Louis CAHUZAC – “Arlequin” (S.E.)
c) Bela KOVACS – ”Hommage a J. S. Bach” (Z.E.)
Semi-final: Compulsory pieces in the "a" list, as well as a piece chosen by the applicant from the "b" list, will be interpreted with piano accompaniment in the semi-finals of the competition. This performance will be evaluated by the relevant jury.
a) Salih Haşim AKTAŞ – “Deprivation” (Z.E.*) Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART – “Konçerto, Kv.622, Bölüm III” (C.P.) Johannes BRAHMS – “Sonat No.1, Op.120, Bölüm I” (C.P.)
b) Ahmet Adnan SAYGUN – “Horon” (O.P.) André MESSAGER – “Solo de Concours” (O.P.) Rodion SHCHEDRIN – “Basso Ostinato” (O.P.)
Final: The following concerto is performed by the finalists accompanied by the Istanbul Clarinet Choir. This performance will be evaluated by the final jury.
Turgay ERDENER – “Konçerto” (Z.E.**)
(*)Compulsory piece chosen by the ICS Board of Directors to be interpreted in the semi-finals: A piece composed solely for this competition.
(**)Compulsory piece chosen by the ICS Board of Directors to be interpreted in the finals: Special edition revised for this competition. (C.P.)Compulsory piece to be interpreted during the pre-qualification, semi-final and final (O.P.)Optional piece to be interpreted by the applicant.
Award Ceremony and Gala Concert: The award winners will perform their best pieces determined by the jury at the gala concert.
Note: After completing their applications, participants can get support from the Istanbul Clarinet Association to provide solo and accompaniment parts (relevant editions of sheet music) for compulsory and optional works, if they need it.
Istanbul Clarinet Society reserves the right to change the competition dates (application, pre-selection, semi-final and final), the list of the works to be played, the awards to be given, the halls where the competition will be held and the content of the entire organisation until the candidate applications are opened.